Faculty Promotion System

Faculty Promotion System Help

Welcome to the Faculty Promotion System online Help. The Faculty Promotion System is meant for automating the promotion of faculty members of all the academinc departments. The system facilitates faculty promotion

1.    from Assistant Professor to Associate and
2.    from Associate Professor to Full Professorial Rank.

All Faculty Memnbers can access the system using the KFUPM Portal Email Username and Password. The Chairmen, Dean, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Scientific Council Sub Committee Chair and Vice President of Research and Innovation can also assign Deputies to work on their behalf after logging to the system.

Click on the relevant help below.

For further Questions and Clarifications please call 7545 for the webmaster of Faculty Promotion System during working hours 


Email: facpromote@kfupm.edu.sa.

Directions for the Applicant

The following is a list of items the applicant needs to consider for his promotion:

1-   Please go through the KFUPM Faculty Promotion Guidelines and start a new Promotion Application through the online Faculty Promotion System. A list of menu items like Message, Applicant, Points etc are shown on the left side. Each Menu Item when clicked, opens a Form.The form which is required to be filled must be saved inorder to complete the task. Once all the required forms are filled and saved it can be Forwarded to the Chairman of the department electronically or Saved using the Action menu item. The applicant can fill different forms and modify his input at any stage, as long as the application has not been forwarded to the department chairman.

Also make sure the system displays all your relvant information correctly.

2-     The required forms for the Applicant are as follows:

      a) Points: fill the eligibility points Calculation sheet

      b) Years of Service: Provide the Years of services in the current rank and in Saudi University

      c) External Reviewers: Provide a list of at least ten external referrers holding the rank of full professor (or equivalent ranks) with the information shown in the form.

      d) Attachments (Files): Upload the following:

      You may include a file containing any additional comments to be part of your promotion application.

      e) Action: Either you can Initiate and forward to the Department Chairman or Save for future modifications.

3-   Along with the above mentioned necessary forms, there are some optional form that can be viewed and filled by the applicant. These include:

      a) Committee Exclusion: If you wish any person to be excluded from the later Ad-hoc promotion committee, you express your desire by clicking on yes in this form. 

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Directions for the Department Chairman

The following is a list of items to be considered by the department chairman for promotion request of a faculty member in the department:

1-    The Department Chairman forms a Departmental Committee  and forward the application to the Chairman of the Dept. Committee and Dean of Faculty and Personnel Affairs

2-    Upon recieving back the application, the Department Chairman is supposed to write its input and forward it to the College Dean. 

3-    The required forms for the Department Chairman are as follows:

        a) Dept. Committee: Form a departmental committee (or utilize the already appointed committee) to review the application for completeness, to calculate the points for the scholarly work of the applicant, and to propose a list of at least ten external referees holding the rank of full professor (or equivalent ranks).

        b) Chairman Input: Provide written input about the candidates’ teaching, research and services. There are fields to be used for such input. In addition, the recommendation for the promotion should be clearly stated.

        c) Action: Forward the application to the Chairman of the Dept. Committee and Dean of Faculty and Personnel Affairs.

        d) Action: On Return from both the Chairman of the Dept. Committee and Dean of Faculty and Personnel Affairs forward the application to the College Dean if approved.

        e) Action: On Return from any one of the Chairman of the Dept. Committee or Dean of Faculty and Personnel Affairs, return the application to the Applicant if not approved. 

4-    Discuss the application in the department council upon receiving input from the departmental promotion committee and the Dean of faculty and personnel affairs indicating the completeness of the application and the eligibility of the applicant.

5-    Forward the application, if approved, to the Dean of the College with chairman’ evaluation and the approved council minutes No. and date.

6-    Return the application, if not approved, to the applicant with necessary justifications or request any additional clarifications/information form the candidate at any stage.

7-    Request verifications for time eligibility and the annual evaluation from the Dean of Faculty and Personnel Affairs. This is done by forwarding the application to the Dean of Faculty and Personnel Affairs.

The department chairman can do things simultaneously and fill different forms and modify his input at any stage, as long as the form has not been forwarded to the college dean or returned to the applicant. The data need to be saved before closing the session. The chairman can re-open the forms and modify them at different times as applicable.

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Directions for the Dean of Faculty and Personnel Affairs

The following is a list of items to be considered by the Dean of Faculty and Personal Affairs for promotion request of a faculty member in the University:

1-    Years of Service: Provide the Years of services in the current rank.

2-    Years of Service:Provide the years of services at a Saudi university.

3-    Annual Evaluation: Provide the annual performance evaluation reports of the candidate for the period since the candidate's appointment or his last promotion. The information can be provided as hard copies or soft copy attachments.

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Directions for the Departmental Promotion Committee

The following is a list of items to be considered by the Chairman of the Department Promotion Committee for promotion request of a faculty member in the Department:

1-    Review the promotion dossier and make sure it is prepared according to the university promotion guidelines.

2-    Points:In the Points Form fill the eligibility points Calculation sheet and compare it to the one provided by the applicant and report any deviation with proper justification.

3-    External Reviewers: Provide a list of at least ten external referrers holding the rank of full professor (or equivalent ranks) with the information shown in the form.

4-    Action: Return the Dossier with input and comments to the department chairman as soon as possible.

Note that the chairman of the committee can do things simultaneously and can fill different forms and modify the input at any stage, as long as the form has not been returned to the department chairman. The committee chairman can re-open the forms and modify (as applicable) them at different times as long as the application has not been sent back to the department chairman.

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Directions for the College Dean

The following is a list of items to be considered by the college dean for promotion request of a faculty member in the college:

1-    Discuss promotion application in the college council.

2-    External Reviewers: Provide a list of at least ten external referrers holding the rank of full professor (or equivalent ranks) with the information shown in the form.

3-    Action: Forward, if approved, the promotion application along with the approved council minutes No. and Date to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.

4-    Suggested Promotion Committee: Provide a list of faculty members to serve in the Ad-hoc Promotion Committee.

5-    Communicate verbally to the VRGSSR the names to be excluded from the Ad-hoc Promotion Committee. (If the candidate has mentioned any)

6-    Action: Return, if not approved, the promotion application along with approved minutes to the Department Chairman with justification notes.

The college dean can do things simultaneously and fill different forms and modify his input at any stage, as long as the form has not been forwarded to the VRAA or returned to the department chairman. The college dean can re-open the forms and modify them at different times as applicable and as long as the form has not been forwarded to the VRAA.

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Directions for the Scientific Council Sub-Committee

The following is a list of items to be considered by the Sientific Council Sub-Committee for promotion request of a faculty member:

1-    Discuss promotion application. Following is a typical screen for a role of  Scientific Council Subcommittee Member. The menu items in green show the mandatory forms need to be filled and saved.

2- Edit and verify the Eligibility Checklist. See the picture below 


 3- Select a list of atleast 10 External Reviewers. However you can add more than 10 External Reviewers by either Selecting from the Applicant, Dep and College List or entering New entry 

4 Go to The Action Menu Item to Finish the Task :

The SC Sub-Committee can do things simultaneously and fill different forms and modify his input at any stage, as long as the form has not been returned to the VRGSSR. The SC Sub-Committee can re-open the forms and modify them at different times as applicable and as long as the form has not been returnes to the VRGSSR.

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Directions for the Ad Hoc Promotion Committee Chairman

The Ad Hoc Promotion Committee is formed by the VRGSSR with one chairman and 4 members. The VRGSSR seeks willingness of the volunteers. After accepting the willingness to work as a promotion committee chairman, the chairman and all the promotion committee members receive an acknowledgment email sent by the VRGSSR through the online system.Now, the Promotion Committee chairman can log on to the online system and can open the electronic promotion application.  The following is a list of items to be considered by the Promotion Commitee (PC) Chairman for promotion request of a faculty member:

1-    Discuss promotion application with meeting with all the members of the promotion committee

2-    Review the comments provided by the external reviewers

2-    Make a promotion commitee report and let it signed by all the members 

The online System facilitates the PC Chair to perform all the above mentioned tasks. Following are the screen shot of all the activities the PC Chairman is supposed to perform after logging on to the system and opeening the promotion application


The Promotion Committee Chairman can do things simultaneously and fill different forms and modify his input at any stage, as long as the form has not been returned to the VRGSSR. The the PC Chairman can re-open the forms and modify them at different times as applicable and as long as the form has not been returned to the VRGSSR.

Directions for the Ad Hoc Promotion Committee Members

The Promotion Committee (PC) Members can open the promotion application and post their busy schedule (after the request from the PC Chairman) and digitally sign the promtoion report uploaded by the PC Chair.

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Directions for Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA)

The Vice Rector for Academic Affairs is involved in the Faculty promotion system for Acknowledgement purpose only. The College dean forwards the promotion application to the the VPAA who is required to forward it to the Vice President of Research and Innovation (VPRI). However, Before forwarding it to the VPRI, the VPAA can view all the details of the promotion application in different forms accessible through the menu items


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Faculty Promotion System
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